Saturday, July 14, 2007


I hate rainy season! It's been raining every day for the past week and I haven't been able to go out for walks very much. Papa took me for a long walk finally today and it was sooooo nice to get out of this house!!! Papa almost got us lost again but luckily I knew how to get home. Papa is NTB (Not Too Bright).

As you can see, I've been quite bored lately. Mama and papa have been busy and are buying a new car so I have no one to play with sometimes :-(

Tomorrow is my last day of Beginner 2 puppy school! I'm getting really smart now! Next week, I'll start the Step Up Course which is for advanced puppies like me.

I've found a new favorite place! I've decided that this is to be my new resting area. Mama and papa can sit on the floor because I've really come to love lounging around here while watching TV. I love watching Sumo and baseball! Hey, what can I say...I'm a guy!!! :-) Papa says that hockey is the best sport.

This weekend is a long weekend. Monday is Marine Day...whatever the heck that means. Mama and papa are going to an onsen in Hakone and leaving me at a puppy kindergarten called Will for the weekend. At least I'll be able to meet new friends and get away from mama and papa for a few days :-)

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