Wednesday, May 9, 2007

One day more...

I finally get this stupid collar off tomorrow!!! Mama and papa had to go to doggie school without me last weekend because I was still recovering from my operation (I think they need it more than me anyhow). They've been practicing what they learned at school, like how to make me come to them and walk beside them, all week. I'm getting bored's way too easy for a puppy of my great intellect.

On Sunday, it was raining so we hung around the house all day and watched a TV show called Lost. I don't like TV much except for the new Mizuho bank TV commercial that features a Jack Russell Terrier. I like barking at the TV when I see that one.

I heard from papa that one of his best friends is thinking of living in Nakameguro!!! I've never met her but she leaves nice notes on my blog and I hope she will visit me soon with her new
fiance :-)

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