We went to the park Saturday. There were about 6 JRTs there! I think we outnumbered all of the other dogs easily. This short JRT had a toy I wanted...
So I took it...
Then another JRT had another toy that I wanted...
Papa had a laugh today at all the people who jumped on the Tampa Bay Rays bandwagon. They forget that just 4 years ago, Boston was the underdog having not won a World Series for 86 years, and I'm sure the bandwagon jumpers were rooting for Boston at that time. Papa has been a Bosox fan since he was a kid so he wasn't about to betray his team just for the sake of being on the winning side like so many others. It's a little pathetic that people switch loyalties so easily just to taste the flavour of the month...until the next bandwagon rolls by for them to jump on. I may get some comments on this so please make sure to leave your name and number so I can ring you up in 86 years to see if you're still a Rays fan...or more likely, how many dozens of bandwagons you've jumped on...Anyhow, congratulations to the Rays...it was a well played series. The Bosox will be back stronger than ever next year!
(I wonder who the bandwagon jumpers will pick though...)
Hey Roots, happy belated birthday buddy!! Looks like you had a very special day! Hugs and pats to you!
We were rooting for the Dodgers but they couldn't get the bats going. Philly was too strong. We were wondering, however, what ever happened to 1 to nothing games. So many runs given up. Your Ji-chan always said that if you have a strong defense and don't allow any runs, all you need is to score one to win.
A hit, a run and a little bit of luck....
Miss you, hi to all!
Love PIcasso :-)
Kumiko wrote:
It's not that my mamma was voting for the D Rays...she was just hoping that the Bosox wouldn't win. Unfortunately, my mamma is a die-hard Jays fan...poor mamma. Will probably be long gone before they win again!
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