Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Mama and papa gave me a shower and this is my new look...what do you think??? I'm not very impressed with my hair style. Papa says I look like a punker...whatever the heck that is...

Mama and papa went to the Nissan dealership today to look at new cars. In particular, I think they want to buy a Nissan Rogue, which in Japan is called a Dualis. Personally, I think Rogue is a cooler name...
They are thinking of buying in a month and so delivery will be in August. I can't wait because it will mean we can go on more road trips! The Dualis has a lot of nice features, and, as a SUV, the size is large enough for a family but not too big for Japan. Papa took the Dualis for a test drive today and was impressed with the smooth drive but it didn't quite have the acceleration he would like.

This afternoon, mama and papa saw Spiderman 3. It was not a bad movie but not as good as #1 or #2. Spiderman 2 was the best of the 3 so far. The plot for Spiderman 3 was not as good as the previous two, and it wasn't clear what was happening at times. The story seemed choppy and, at 2 hours and 20 minutes, there is no excuse for that.

Papa found out last Saturday that he has his first cavity in over 30 years and, because it is so advanced, he may have to have a root canal this weekend. He hasn't been very happy about it lately, although he has lost a few kilos because he can't eat much due to the pain. He had to cancel his business trip to Singapore next week because he has to go to the dentist, but I'm happy because he will be home with me and mama. He calls me "little grasshopper" and "baka-chan" because he thinks I'm young and don't know anything but at least I know how to keep my teeth clean so they stay in my mouth!

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