Monday, September 8, 2008


It's been a fun month! Mama and papa went to Canada to visit papa's family in August! They had a great time! They went to visit a few wineries in the Niagara region. This one is Jackson Triggs where they make some of the best ice wines in the world:
Mama and papa also went to the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. They had a dog show where there was an agility contest. The best was obviously a Jack Russell Terrier :-)
After the show, the JRT was the most popular puppy! I think it's because we are such a lovable breed!

Mama and papa also went on a side trip to New York City. They saw Hairspray on Broadway.
They stayed at a hotel 2 blocks from Times Square:
New York had a lot of interesting people...
...and the food was...well...a little too much...that sandwich is bigger than me!They went to the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). Mama really enjoyed it and papa had fun even though he had food poisoning...they got to see works from Monet:
MoMA's gift shop also had souvenirs with a Japanese twist...too bad they have no idea what Tokyo a map of Tokyo looks like:

I guess this person figured it out and decided to sleep on the steps of MoMA rather than going in...

Where's Donald?

Mama and papa also visited the Rockefeller Center:

...and went to the "Top of the Rock":

They also went to Soho...but someone called the cops...

They got back to Toronto during sunset:
And they got tickets from papa's mama to see a Toronto Blue Jay game from box seats! It was quite an experience to see a game from such great seats. They had a wine tasting and got to see Godzilla Matsui hit a home run. At the end of the day though, Toronto beat the hapless Yankees 14-3!!! Toronto rocks!!!

After the game they saw the CN Tower lit up:

And all I got was this Hot Dog shirt...

But I got to stay at a really cool place called Log World in Chiba:
I had a great time! It was nice to get away from mama and papa for 10 days...
...and meet some new friends!!!