Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Good Shepherd...

Papa has almost perfected his recipe for Shepherd's Pie! The ingredients for the meat are just about right and he has almost figured out how to make the world's best mashed potatoes. This is the finished product and it is amazing...

...at least that's what he says. Jack Russell Terriers in this house are not permitted to eat Shepherd's Pie. It has something to do with fat dawgs not being cute or something like that...

I don't think he realizes just how active I am! I was the brains behind the dish. I spent endless energy supervising papa to make sure he didn't make a mistake...

And once the hard work of supervising was done, it took a lot of energy to find a place like this and then settle in...

Not to mention how active I am after dinner...

Of course, all of the above activity takes up about 3 minutes of my day. The other 23 hours and 57 minutes of the day I run around the house, bark at birds, attack the TV and vacuum and drive mama and papa crazy. I'd post pictures but papa says I can't sit still long enough to take a decent photo. He has to wait until I take my 1 minute nap to snap a picture. Most pictures papa takes of me look like this:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Roots, I think you papa has too much time on his hands. Maybe he should go on the show Hells Kitchen or Top Chef...