It's been busy around here lately so I haven't had time to write for quite some time. Mama and papa have been preparing for the arrival of my little sister and I've been doing some modeling gigs...
Mama and papa celebrated their wedding anniversary in April. They went to a restaurant in Hiroo and had a great meal.

I've realized that papa makes a great bed!

And so does mama's leg!

Actually, anywhere is a good bed for me...

As always, I love watching TV with mama and papa. I especially like game shows!
We were watching TV the other day and saw this really funny cat. I hate cats but this one was funny. It stands on 2 feet like a human!Papa bought me a whole box of goodies a few weeks ago. I love the treats and the toys but mama says I am getting fat so I can't eat so many treats now... :-(
Papa was finally able to track down one of his favorite foods in the world. He's been searching Japan forever trying to find it...and now he has almost a kg of it. What is it you ask? Canadian back bacon of course!!! Now he's looking for kaiser buns to make the perfect sandwich...A few of papa's gourmet creations lately...Cold Chinese noodles

Katsu-don (fried pork with egg on a bed of rice)

...twice (had it again today)...


Gyu-don (beef bowl)

Gyoza (fried Chinese dumplings)...

All of the dishes looked yummy but I don't know since dawgs can't eat that stuff :-(
Anyhow, as the blog title says, "Shopping Spree", what is that you ask??? Well, mama and papa have been buying stuff left and right in the name of the baby. How much stuff you ask? Well, put it this way, in the last 3 weeks, we have run out of space in the house...
If you're having a baby, of course you need a new rice cooker...

...and a new dresser with a wall hanger for the baby's stuff...

...and a DSLR camera (Nikon D5000) with a video camera (Canon HF M31)...

...and today the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner arrived...

Phew...what a shopping list!!! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, what would a baby do without an Apple iPad???

In case you didn't notice, there wasn't much in the shopping spree for Jack Russell Terriers...what a drag :-(
Mama and papa had a baby check up today. Still looks like I will have a little sister! She kind of looks like a little alien baby in the ultrasound images. In Japan, it seems we get an ultrasound at every check up. We're at 29 weeks and 2 days now and we've already had about 8 or 9 of them!
We have a new Prime Minister in Japan. Hatoyama was...ummmm...let's just say "ineffective"...papa uses other words to describe Hatoyama and the Secretary General Ozawa but I can't repeat those words here :-)
We're hoping this new guy, Kan, can get it done but we aren't holding out much hope because politics in Japan is hopeless. It's an old boy's club of self-perpetuating stupidity and they are all stuck in the old ways of back room deal making with little care for the people of the country because they are so out of touch with the general population. But anyhow, that's just the rambling of a non-partisan Jack Russell Terrier...